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Dernière date postale au Royaume-Uni pour Noël le 19 décembre

Bijoux en trèfle à quatre feuilles

Bijoux avec trèfles porte-bonheur. Argent sterling et plaqué or. Boucles d'oreilles, colliers, pendentifs, bracelets, bagues et broches, bijoux floraux faits à la main par Shrieking Violet®
Silver Pendant - Four Leaf Clover - Oval
Silver Earring - Four Leaf Clover - Oval
Silver Pendant -Four leaf clover - Treble Clef
Silver Ring (Adjustable) - Four leaf clover - Round
Silver Pendant -Four leaf clover - Horseshoe
Silver Bangle - Four Leaf Clover - Oval
Silver Cufflink bar -Clover/ Forget-me-not - Round
Sterling silver snake bracelet - Round charm - Clover
Silver Bracelet - Silver Link chain - Clover - Round
Sterling Silver black woven bracelet with flower charm - Clover - Round
Silver Pendant - Four-leaf Clover - Treble Clef (m)
Gold plated Heart linked chain bracelet with flower charm - Clover - Round
Silver Pendant - Clover - with Silver Oval Surround
Silver Pendant - Four Leaf Clover - chunky rectangle
Silver Bracelet - Heart Link chain - Clover - Round
Four-leaf Clover Cufflinks by Shrieking Violet®
Silver Pendant - Four leaf clover - Wishbone
Silver Pendant - Four-leaf Clover - Lucky Eye
Gold plated snake bracelet with flower charm - Clover - Round
Gold plated black woven bracelet with flower charm - Clover - Round